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Christians disproportionately targeted in Nigeria violence report

Nigeria (MNN) — A first-of-its-kind report was just released looking at ethnic and religious violence in Northern Nigeria. The Observatory for Religious Freedom in Africa examined incidents of extreme violence in the region between October 2019 and September 2023.

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Hope remains amid Sudan’s despair

Sudan (MNN) — The United Nations Security Council votes to extend current sanctions against Sudan by another year. The bans include asset freezes, travel restrictions, and an arms embargo.

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Believers pair help and hope in Pakistan flood response

Pakistan (MNN) — Torrential rains in Pakistan trigger displacement and suffering in the same areas devastated by monsoon floods in 2022.

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Persecution continues amid calls for change in Afghanistan

Afghanistan (MNN) — A growing number of religious scholars in Afghanistan are openly challenging the Taliban’s restrictions on female education. Even some clerics working for the government have opposed the ban.

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A Dangerous Walk of Faith to Access God’s Word

Amina (name changed for protection) is a 56-year-old woman whose deepest desire was to study God’s Word and grow in her faith, but she couldn’t read. In her village, no one knew how to read. She prayed for months, asking God to make a way for her to understand the words of the Bible.

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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Fall 2021 Update

Fall 2021 Update

September 24, 2021 2:25 PM
September 24, 2021 2:25 PM


All of us have been fixed to the news about Afghanistan. The images will be with us forever as we have watched men, women and children desperately trying to flee the imminent threat of the Taliban takeover. Now that the US military is completely removed from the country, the long-term realities will become firmly established.

All of us have been fixed to the news about Afghanistan. The images will be with us forever as we have watched men, women and children desperately trying to flee the imminent threat of the Taliban takeover. Now that the US military is completely removed from the country, the long-term realities will become firmly established.

As recent events are unfolding, we are reminded of the country’s history and see a grim future awaiting this precious land. The likelihoods revealing themselves include: 

  • Ongoing civil war fed by instability and greed 
  • Radical Islamic leadership filled with terrorists and Taliban extremists  
  • Extreme poverty that will affect a majority of the population 
  • Millions of Afghan refugees surviving in horrific camps scattered throughout the region
  • A country of 40 million people where only 8,000 are Christians! 

These are tremendous challenges and things that should be on our prayer lists! But we also can be encouraged by what God is already doing and future opportunities for ministry among these people.

Let me remind you that current humanitarian crises are our opportunity to show the love of Jesus. Getting the gospel into their hands is our responsibility!

Within Afghanistan we know of more than 200 underground churches filled with passionate Christ-followers. These people are currently being hunted by the Taliban, yet their hearts are filled with compassion for their aggressors. We can help them! We are sharing the Gospel message while responding to the immediate humanitarian needs of fleeing refugees. We are also helping Christians within Afghanistan with funds to purchase food and supplies.

Neighboring countries such as India and Pakistan are filling with tens of thousands of Afghan refugees. They are far more accessible to the gospel and have open hearts. We can mobilize them to share the Good News with their own people! We are investing in centers in India and Pakistan to help train Afghans for ministry. Those discipled will take the gospel to their family and friends within this Islamically dominated country. They will have access when you or I will not. The ONLY thing that will bring lasting hope and peace to a broken nation is the message of the cross.

Your brother in Christ, 
Greg Kelley, CEO

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Summer 2021 Update

Summer 2021 Update

June 14, 2021 2:33 PM
June 14, 2021 2:33 PM


The Bible is full of amazing mission verses. As a matter of fact, from Genesis to the end of Revelation we find the heart of a loving God pursuing his precious creation! It is our privilege to continue sharing that Good News message with a lost and dying world. The most notable and arguably the first and greatest missionary of all-time was the Apostle Paul!

The Bible is full of amazing mission verses. As a matter of fact, from Genesis to the end of Revelation we find the heart of a loving God pursuing his precious creation! It is our privilege to continue sharing that Good News message with a lost and dying world. The most notable and arguably the first and greatest missionary of all-time was the Apostle Paul!

Paul was relentlessly obedient to the heart of the father. The calling to take the Good News and message of salvation where it had never been before. In fact, his words in Romans 15:20 that formed his bedrock principles should continue to be a primary consideration in every international expression of missions today: 

“My ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard, rather than where a church has already been started by someone else.” 

Considering it is some 2,000 years after Jesus gave us the assignment to reach every nation, we have plenty of work ahead of us. One main reason is that much of our efforts have contradicted Paul’s message of prioritizing taking the gospel where it has never been. Instead, 99% of our resources of missionaries, Bibles and dollars are going to where someone has already shared and even started a discipleship making movement. May the Lord help us to allocate to places in the world that would make Paul proud and be expressions of Romans 15:20. Places like Mauritania for example.

One of our partners who has worked in this precious and spiritually desolate place of West Africa recently shared the degree of darkness. He said, “until just recently you barely needed 2 hands to count the number of Christians in the country.” This breaks our hearts but becomes almost embarrassingly troublesome when you consider there are 4.6 million people living in Mauritania!!

This Islamic republic has rejected Christianity with a passion and made life unbearable for those courageous and brave enough to stand for Jesus. But the Holy Spirit and the Word of God are unstoppable forces for even the harshest of regimes!

Over the past 6 months we have heard of Treasure listening groups spawning 30 different house churches!

What a miracle in a land that is much more welcoming of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) than followers of Jesus.

One of our brave leaders who estimates he ‘walks’ 2,000+ miles per year doing friendship evangelism, encouraging new believers, and distributing Treasures had a recent request. We fully expected it to include a motorcycle, computer, cell phone or even new shoes. Those are all common items we provide to help national leaders do the job. But his request did not include any of these items. He simply wanted more Treasures and training for his newly emerging leaders!

What an absolute privilege that you and I have to stand in the gap with these legendary mission leaders, men and women who embrace Romans 15:20 despite being listed on ISIS ‘hit lists’ and facing regular death threats for themselves and children.

Will you pray for their protection, boldness, and courage in the face of unimaginable persecution?

Your fellow servant in the harvest,
Greg Kelley, CEO

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Spring 2021 Update

Spring 2021 Update

March 1, 2021 3:11 PM
March 1, 2021 3:11 PM


Central African Republic (CAR) is a country that you won’t hear much about in the news. Appropriately named, it is very centrally located in the continent of Africa and a strategic ministry center for Unknown Nations. This is mainly because it is a gateway into the primarily Muslim countries of West Africa and North Africa. It is a great place to raise up leaders who will impact bordering areas of Islamic dominated Chad and Sudan. But today, we need you to be in prayer for the people of CAR!

Central African Republic (CAR) is a country that you won’t hear much about in the news. Appropriately named, it is very centrally located in the continent of Africa and a strategic ministry center for Unknown Nations. This is mainly because it is a gateway into the primarily Muslim countries of West Africa and North Africa. It is a great place to raise up leaders who will impact bordering areas of Islamic dominated Chad and Sudan. But today, we need you to be in prayer for the people of CAR!

They have endured perpetual civil war for the past 10 years. Dozens of various rebel groups keep the country plunged into constant instability. Although they are a wealthy country in their natural resources of gold, uranium, and diamonds, they remain one of the poorest nations in the world. Last year the UN Human Development Index ranked them 188th out of 189 countries. They are close to being considered a failed state, which means that it cannot protect its territory, people and boundaries.

Today, the President of Central African Republic is a Christian brother who won reelection in December. In response, fighting flared and 13 Islamic influenced rebel groups have cut off the capital, Banqui from the rest of the country. The remote surrounding areas rely heavily on Banqui. Supply lines have been choked off and people are literally starving. What supplies still exist are so expensive that the common person is unable to buy food. It’s a survival issue. If we don’t respond right now, people are going to die. 

The goal of the rebel groups is to remove the Christian President and literally Islamize the country.

We are sending emergency relief funds to our partners in Bangui so they can prevent the starvation. We are also sending Arabic Treasures to bring hope to the people. The same people who are suffering are compelled to bless their persecutors! They are asking for more Treasures to reach these rebel groups with the gospel message. Together, we are reaching the ends of the earth!

Together in the Harvest,
Greg Kelley, CEO

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Winter 2020 Update

Winter 2020 Update

December 2, 2020 4:16 PM
December 2, 2020 4:16 PM


It is amazing that we are almost at the end of another year. But it was not just any year. We are coming to the close of 2020 - the year that most of us would rather forget and move on to fresh beginnings and unrestricted living. However, I believe that 2020 was a year to establish transformational principles and truths within our lives. I wanted to share the key truth that God established at Unknown Nations as we worked through the COVID epidemic.

It is amazing that we are almost at the end of another year. But it was not just any year. We are coming to the close of 2020 - the year that most of us would rather forget and move on to fresh beginnings and unrestricted living. However, I believe that 2020 was a year to establish transformational principles and truths within our lives. I wanted to share the key truth that God established at Unknown Nations as we worked through the COVID epidemic.

Never compromise your highest priority, especially in the midst of trials.

Our most valued goal at Unknown Nations is to get the gospel into the hands of people who do not have access. No missionary. No bible. No church. No Christians!

As we gathered data for the last 12 months of impact, we celebrated how God used our solar powered audio Bibles to transform lives and penetrate darkened people groups who had NEVER been exposed to the gospel. Because of you 19,886 people received Christ and 8,597 people were water baptized! All in a 12 month window. Thank you!!!!

While we celebrate what the Lord has done, we are even more compelled by our primary goal. We will never stop pressing into these unreached lands and people groups. The enemy has tried to discourage and distract us in the midst of these amazing testimonies. Our partners are relentlessly persecuted. They are chased from their homes and communities. Every month we hear of a leader distributing Treasures who was beaten, imprisoned or even killed. The enemy is active and fighting to protect these untouched lands that he has controlled for generations. That control is being taken back. We will not back down!!!

Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. ~ Joshua 1:9

Together, we will continue to advance into these spiritually void regions of the world. The gospel will be established and the kingdom of God will multiply! Imagine the transformation that can only take place through the power of the gospel in lands that once had ZERO exposure to the gospel! Our goal for the end of 2020 is to send 1,000 Treasures into each of these 3 strategic fields.

  • The Horn of Africa – 56 million unreached people. We will send Afar, Somali and Oromo units.
  • Bangladesh – 162 million unreached people. We will send Bengali and Rohingya units. 
  • Indonesia – 169 million unreached people. We will send Javanese and Indonesian units.

When the gospel goes into these areas it will not return void. That is a promise from the Lord! 

Together in the Harvest, 
Greg Kelley, CEO

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Fall 2020 Update

Fall 2020 Update

September 28, 2020 4:21 PM
September 28, 2020 4:21 PM


Today, the Rohingya of Bangladesh are filling the largest refugee camp in the world in a place called Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Three years ago the Burmese military unleashed a military onslaught, filled with unimaginable acts of terror, upon these defenseless people. The United Nations quickly declared them to be one of the most persecuted peoples in the world and that they were enduring genocide.

Today, the Rohingya of Bangladesh are filling the largest refugee camp in the world in a place called Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Three years ago the Burmese military unleashed a military onslaught, filled with unimaginable acts of terror, upon these defenseless people. The United Nations quickly declared them to be one of the most persecuted peoples in the world and that they were enduring genocide.

Research organizations will tell you there are 948,000 Rohingya in Bangladesh and that 0.00% are Christian. 

They live in tents with bare bones access to basic survival needs – food, shelter and clothing. It is considered a luxury and is rare to have your child receive an education or to live in a permanent structure. The Rohingya continue to suffer, but there is hope!

In a town called Teknaf, the gospel is being shared much more freely than within the restricted refugee camps. The camps are run by the Muslim majority but that is not the case in nearby Teknaf. Local Christian leaders are mentoring and encouraging Rohingya who have become followers of Jesus! Although researchers say they are 100% Muslim – we know otherwise!!!

God is using the Treasure among these precious people. Since they are a primarily oral learning people group they love to listen to music and drama, which makes the audio Bible a wonderful tool. We learned of 2 area churches that were forced to close since leaders had fled. Our area coordinator distributed Treasures that bring dozens of people together, filling these empty structures, to absorb the Word of God. He is also mentoring a young man to lead the youth, which represent the majority of the population. Although many have lost their parents from the horrors of genocide, they are hungry to learn about the love of Jesus! 

Together in the harvest, 
Greg Kelley, CEO

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