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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Freed From Chains

Freed From Chains

April 4, 2023 5:06 PM
April 4, 2023 5:06 PM


I stood at the edge of the bed with his arms clutched around my leg. He begged me not to leave and to protect his family from the living hell they were enduring. He would be beaten again that evening and feared that his daughters would be sold as sex slaves. Tears raced down his cheeks in complete desperation – “Please help me!”

That was my experience a couple weeks ago in a brick kiln in Pakistan. Hundreds of thousands of slaves live in these types of conditions. It’s one of the most desperate situations that I’ve come across in my 25 year tenure at Unknown Nations. Regrettably, all of these precious people are asking us the same question. “Will you help me?”

In the midst of the confusion and chaos of the moment, the Holy Spirit led me to a response. I called upon our leaders to give me a Treasure and I was prompted by the Lord to play the third chapter of John. This slave who had never learned to read was fixated on this device – hearing the powerful words of the gospel.

These words pierce the heart and bring transformation and peace to the inner chambers of our broken lives. This slave and his family are cherished in the eyes of Jesus! There is nothing physical that I could have done in that moment to deliver what was received. No earthly solution! But God can meet both needs.

This family was freed from chains spiritually first and then physically when they were freed by the owner later that evening.

Our goal in these brick kilns is to see that kind of supernatural transformation begin with each of the Muslim owners and their managers. Please pray for these leaders who are increasingly seeing their slaves eagerly come to Christ and live in freedom that can not be denied. Our teams are reaching new kilns every week as the Word of God sets these captives free.

One owner recently has heard the gospel clearly. He has felt “fire” for weeks and is having dreams of Jesus on a white horse calling him to follow him. He is counting the cost and is close to surrendering to the Lord. Our team just gave him a Treasure in the Urdu language which he is listening to now. Let's pray the hard heart continues to soften and ultimately accepts the Lord as he listens to the Word of God.

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