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Stories of Impact

From Impossible Places

Bangladesh Ministry Update

Bangladesh Ministry Update

July 1, 2022 4:44 PM
July 1, 2022 4:44 PM


One of our partners has called the Treasure a Footless Missionary. These recent stories from the Rohingya refugee camp have proven that to be true!

This camp is one of the largest in the world and is home to over one million refugees, nearly all adhering to a radical Islamic belief system. Through a series of events, two Treasures have found their way to the farthest ends of the camp and are now making an eternal impact.

One Treasure made it’s way into the hands of some Muslim women who gathered around and listened to the audio Bible. A passerby observed their group and challenged them, he asked what they were listening to and why. The women became nervous, and to avoid trouble, found a more private location in a dark room (cover photo). They couldn’t stop listening and needed to know more about what was being spoken.

A second Treasure was given to a Muslim man who was invited to join a Bible study group at our Shiloh Training Center. This man has taken his Treasure to another end of the camp and has now started three listening groups!

Our partner visits the refugee camp on a bi-weekly basis to meet up with these groups and answer their many questions. Although these new listeners have yet to officially accept Christ, many are very hungry to know more! As new leaders are raised up inside the camp, our efforts will be multiplied as disciples become disciple makers.

Thank you for sharing the hope of Jesus!

God Bless,
Greg Kelley, CEO

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